Wednesday, October 11, 2017

My Strengths and Weaknesses

I would have to say that identifying your strengths and weaknesses is one of the most important things that you need to be able to do as a college athlete in order to succeed. Because if you don’t know what to work on then you will never improve and become better. But the catch is that it is really easy to identify them, but then you have to be able to work on them and morph everything into a strength which is really really hard to do. I myself really struggle sometimes with being able to balance both and not let one or the other outweigh the other. Sometimes it’s just impossible to fix a weakness so you have to try to minimize it as best as you can which is what I usually do given my weaknesses.

Strengths: I find that I am usually pretty good at sticking to the fundamentals of baseball and not really stray from the basic things about hitting, fielding, running, etc. Cause usually if you forget to do something simple it will mess up a lot of other things so all your motions and things you’ve learned will go away and you will struggle very easily. When this happens, it can be really hard to get back in your groove for a long time.

Weaknesses: Without a doubt my biggest weakness is getting angry at myself when bad things happen whether it be in baseball or in life. Even when it’s really simple things like dropping a ball or swinging and missing. But better yet even when I do good things to me it’s like “Oh ok well I’m supposed to be doing that anyways so why should I even be excited about it?” So lately I’ve been really trying to enjoy when I do good things when I'm playing and not try to get as angry about negative things.

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